Assess proposed changes to certified plan


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Assess application to amend certified plan

The Responsible Authority will be notified when an Applicant Contact submits an Application to amend Certified Plan (Form 8). The Applicant Contact will provide details of the application as well as a new proposed plan of subdivision or consolidation. A mandatory action, "Assess application to amend certified plan", will be created for the Responsible Authority.

The Responsible Authority has the option of accepting or rejecting the application. If the application is a joint application (planning permit and certification), the Responsible Authority can request a revised version of the plan for endorsement. If an application is rejected by the Responsible Authority a reason for the rejection will need to be supplied.


You will need to complete the following to assess the application to amend a certified plan:

  1. Select the mandatory action "Assess application to amend certified plan".
  2. On the "Assess application to council to amend certified plan" screen, select the appropriate option(s), and click on 'ok'.
  3. To view the amended Application and Proposed Documents click the document hyperlinks.
  4. If the option to accept was selected, a confirmation screen will be displayed. Click on 'return' to go back to the Details Screen.
  5. If the option to reject was selected, browse for, and attach the appropriate PDF file.
  6. Click 'add now' and a confirmation screen will display if the document was added successfully.
    NOTE: If you have suppressed the "Attach Document" confirmation via settings, you will return directly to the Details Screen.
  7. Click on 'return' to go back to the Details Screen.
  8. To complete the process, the "Assess application to amend certified plan" must be authenticated using your SPEAR password.

A notification email will be sent to the Applicant Contact advising of the outcome of the assessment of their application.

If you require further information, see User Guide 8 - Certifying a plan of subdivision/consolidation and issuing a Statement of Compliance.

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